Sunday, November 6, 2022

Way to Mezinowka

Two graves by the M1 highway, near Kolosowo

Two graves by the M1 highway, near Kolosowo
Эти же могилы в другой заметке - Руины погранперехода советско-польской границы в районе Колосово, старинные фотографии, литературные произведения

Klimko Zhanna Vykentievna

Grave by the M1 highway, near Kolosowo. Klimko Zhanna Vykentievna. 7/VII 1968 - 5/IV 1991

Partsvania Grigory Vladimirovich

Grave by the M1 highway, near Kolosowo. Partsvania Grigory Vladimirovich. 1952-1991
Могильная плита была обновлена

Table and benches for rest

Two graves by the M1 highway, near Kolosowo. Table and benches for rest

Canopy for relaxation

Canopy for relaxation Canopy for relaxation
С какой целью их построили?

Wasteland on the site of a former military facility

Wasteland on the site of a former military facility
Всё снесли! И даже мусор убрали!
Memorial boulder with a torn-out plaque
Табличка выдрана. То ли на металлолом, то ли "память" закончилась

Stop of the shuttle electric trains Mezinowka

Stop of the shuttle electric trains Mezinowka

Summer cottages near Zasulle

Мостик через реку Осиновка

Bridge over the river Osinowka
Мост через бывшую советско-польскую границу.
Когда-то рядом был пограничный столб №769.

Заколосовские дачи

Бывшая территория межвоенной Польши. Погода была под стать таким же пейзажам

СТ Зеленый остров

Summer cottages near Zasulle

СТ Журавинка-Ливье

Summer cottages near Zasulle

Дорога на болота

Summer cottages near Zasulle. The road to the swamps
Summer cottages near Zasulle
Столбцовский лесхоз. Выброс мусора запрещен.

Знак "СТ Зеленый остров"

Summer cottages near Zasulle
Summer cottages near Zasulle

СТ Журавинка

Summer cottages near Zasulle
Summer cottages near Zasulle

Water tower and Orthodox guard cross

Summer cottages near Zasulle. Water tower and Orthodox guard cross
Водонапорная башня и православный поклонный крест

Summer cottages near Zasulle. Crossroad with H9824

Summer cottages near Zasulle. Crossroad with H9824
Перекресток с дорогой H9824
Sequel - Way to Mezinowka

Bridge over the river Osinowka

Forest, swamp path from Osinowka to Zasulle
Forest, swamp path from Osinowka to Zasulle
Forest crossroad. Turn to the bridge over the Osinowka river, to the summer cottages
Forest crossroad. Turn to the bridge over the Osinowka river, to the summer cottages
Bridge over the river Osinowka
Bridge over the river Osinowka.
Bridge across the former Soviet-Polish border.
Sometime, there was a border pillar #769 nearby.
Sequel - Summer cottages near Zasulle