The note about the disappeared settlement of Polish colonists or a small sketch of a pathfinder
The place where there was the settlement Bliźnięta (Twins)
Место хутора Близнецы
Hewn foundation stones of the house of the settlement Bliznieta (Gemini)

But I'm not lone in this place
Forest Quarter Signpost
Indication of a black digger presence
Bath of wild pigs
Forest lake near the settlement Bliznieta (Twins)

Forest lake near the settlement Bliznieta
Лесное озеро у поселения Близнята (Близнецы)
The animal watering by Bliznieta

Once upon a time, a hundred years ago, there was a bridge across the river, is now is the animal watering only.
Звериный водопой у Близнят
I found a stick and, stuck one end into the stream, jumped over the creek, like done over the channels in Holland for many centuries.
Sandy hill on the other shore
Bliźnięta osada, Gmina IwieniecFurther -
Last photos of Puszcza Nalibocka