Sunday, November 6, 2022

Bridge over the river Osinowka

Forest, swamp path from Osinowka to Zasulle
Forest, swamp path from Osinowka to Zasulle
Forest crossroad. Turn to the bridge over the Osinowka river, to the summer cottages
Forest crossroad. Turn to the bridge over the Osinowka river, to the summer cottages
Bridge over the river Osinowka
Bridge over the river Osinowka.
Bridge across the former Soviet-Polish border.
Sometime, there was a border pillar #769 nearby.
Sequel - Summer cottages near Zasulle

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Loszyca Estate and Park Complex

Loszyca Estate and Park Complex. Gates. Entrance

Loszyca Estate and Park Complex. Gates. EntranceLoszyca Estate and Park Complex. Gates. Entrance

Loszyca Estate and Park Complex. State protection plate

Loszyca Estate and Park Complex. Park as part of the Loszyca estate and park complex. State protection plate
Рэспубліка Беларусь
у складзе Лошыцкага
сядзібна-паркавага комплекса
(2-я палова XVII ст. - 2-я палова XIX ст.) XIX стагоддзя
Прычыненне шкоды
караецца па

Loszyca Park. Playground. Castle

Loszyca Estate and Park Complex. Playground. Castle
Loszyca Park

Loszyca Park. Walking ring alley

Loszyca Park. Walking ring alley

Loszyca Estate. Manor outbuilding of the Lubanskie

Loszyca Estate. Manor outbuilding of the Lubanskie

Loszyca Estate. Manor house of the Lubanskie

Loszyca Estate. Manor house of the Lubanskie

Loszyca Manor. Water Mill and Distillery

Loszyca Manor. Water Mill and Distillery

Loszyca Manor. Watermill

Loszyca Manor. Watermill

Loszyca river

Loszyca river

Loszyca river. Swan flock

Loszyca river. Swan flock

Loszyca Manor. Distillery

Loszyca Manor. DistilleryLoszyca Manor. Distillery

To be continued

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Niemorszanski garden

Loszyca river
Minsk. Ruins of a building of unknown origin
Энтузиасты находят руины на месте усадьбы Неморшанских и принимают их за артефакты. У этих развалин - бетонное перекрытие с трубами, чего не могло в XIX веке. Минск. Усадьба Неморшанских. Руины

Republican Scientific and Practical Center
of Traumatology and Orthopedics

Minsk. Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Traumatology and Orthopedics