Monday, May 23, 2022

The place of the Nowinki village

The place where the Nowinki village was. Trench
This trench is right at the crossroads to Kolosowo and Liwje near the very settlement of Nowinki

Along this crossroads, people go to the stopping point Mezinowka

Сultivated plant where was the Nowinki village

The place where the Nowinki village was. Сultivated plants
Сultivated plants are a clear indication that there was a human settlement here.
The place where the Nowinki village was

Foundation of the former Nowinki village

Foundation of the former Nowinki village
Photo taken June 13, 2022

Lilac bushes

The place where the Nowinki village was. Сultivated plants. Lilac bushes.
More domesticated plants. Lilac bushes.
The settlement was destroyed by the Soviets, because the Riga border (with Poland) 1921 passed near it. The same doom and gloom was for the Osinowka village
There was "Gajowka" (hunting hut) in the former Nowinki village.
Another short photo note of The place of Novinki steading
Vicinity of the place of Novinki steading.
Novaya Mezenovka
An abandoned cemetery on the former Soviet-Polish border near Kolosowo
Soviet-Polish border near Kolosovo
Kolosowo is a station where time stopped
65 strażnica KOP "Samochwały", Chutor Samochwały
The border was near Kolosowo
Polish border post "Smolarnia"
Novokolosowo. Radioactive waste burial ground. Torii Gate
Osinovka. Place of the Soviet frontier post near the Soviet-Polish border
Kolosowo, Novokolosowo, Mezenovka
Kolas wooden statues. Art and Memorial Complex "Kolas Way"
Novokolosowo, abandoned military unit

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Slepyanka water system. Waterfall

Slepyanka water system. Waterfall
Слепянская водная система - водная система в составе Вилейско-Минской водной системы.
Протяжённость канала в черте города - 22 км.
Объём воды - 3,1 млн м3. Площадь зеркала - 122,4 га. Количество каскадов - 11.

На фоне - 14 центральная районная поликлиника

Slepyanka water system. Waterfall
Slepyanka water system. Blooming cherry
Slepyanka water system.
Swimming and fishing are forbidden!
Dangerous for life!
Купание и рыбная ловля запрещены!
Опасно для жизни!

Autumn in the city of Minsk
Snowy hare on the ice of channel. It will not stay long, ice soon melts
Forest park on Stepyanka. Path
Слепянская водная система пересохла
Минск. Партизанский район. Слепянская водная система. Трактор
Минск. Плотина на Слепянской водной системе
Минск. Улица Парниковая