Вёска Браткава
адзін з тысячы
найпрыгажейшых куточкаў
землі нашай роднай
У гонар заснавальнікаў сяла
трох братоў. На жаль
прозвішча iх невядомае
Forest wilds near the former Bliznieta (Gemini) hamlet
Pillar - "sanitary lumbering 2005"
Way through the forest to the place where was former settlement Bliznieta (Gemini)
Young plantings of pines near the Bliźnięta osada (Steading Gemini)
Bliźnięta osada (Steading Gemini) was not far, its eastern part
River in the woods at night.
I photographed during a downpour, and almost in the dark at 18:35. The photo did not render the color of the river, it was unrealistic blue.
Focus only in the middle, because the maximum aperture.
The nameless little river gurgled beautifully, then I realized that I was lost, since I did not plan to go out to the river.
Nearby was the Bliźnięta osada (Gemini steading), its eastern settlement
Фотографировал в ливень и почти в темноте, в 18:35
Фотография не передала цвет реки, она была нереально синяя
Фокус только в середине, потому что максимально открыта диафрагма.
Журчала безымянная речка красиво, тут я понял, что заблудился, так как я не планировал выходить к реке.
Недалеко был хутор Близнецы (Близнята), его восточная часть.